You are the light of the world. Choose to shine with MissionHub.

Everyone is on a spiritual journey. As a Christian, God invites you to shine the light of Christ into the lives of the people you are journeying through life with.

indgts center
MissionHub is designed by Indigitous,
a ministry of Cru.

Choose your next step as you journey with Jesus

Following Jesus involves trusting Him as you choose to take one step of faith after another. MissionHub allows you to choose from four step types: pray, care, share and relate.

You can also create your own steps faith and MissionHub will remind you about them.


Journeys with friends in a MissionHub Community

Jesus chose trusted friends to share His journey with, and He wants you to do the same. MissionHub Communities choose steps of faith to take together, pray for one another and celebrate as they see God at work.

The MissionHub Blog

Inspiration for
your journey

Use the MissionHub Blog to find someone
to learn from and something to try.

Download MissionHub

See God at work, and know you’re a part of it.

For Churches and Ministry Leaders

Inspire your people to transform their community

MissionHub is a free app that helps people experience God in their lives by taking steps of faith. We want to help your church journey with Jesus between Sundays.

Learn how MissionHub can help grow your church

Our webinars help you understand MissionHub as a leader, and how to use it to accelerate what you’re doing as a church or ministry. Experience a live demo of the MissionHub app and review the resources in our free launch kit.


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