Connect Relationships

Step 3 of 4: Ministry is Relationship


The aim of your ministry is to see lives changed by God in community. God did not design humanity to progress along a lonely path, but to love him and each other.

MissionHub supports everything you need to be intentional to help others spiritually. Keep contacts, notes, goals and responses all in one place. But MissionHub is not about tasks, it is about being purposeful with the people in your life and community.

Let’s walk through three different types of people in MissionHub and how to make sure the right connections are intentionally happening.

© Lauren Taylor Watt,

First, Connect Your Team

As we discussed earlier, you’re not in this ministry alone. God has called a group of different people to believe Him for the whole campus. It is important to connect these people together in MissionHub.

The basic rule is, if there is intentionality between people, then let’s connect them. You’ll be able to see this person’s ministry, celebrate their steps of faith, and help when their stuck.

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Then, Connect Your Disciples

Your team is doing the important work of discipling and mentoring others who are involved in the ministry. Maybe they give hours a week to reaching out, leading Bible studies, or running fellowship meetings.

This network of relationships is the core of your movement which is seeking to bring Good News to its community. By making these connections, you’ll be able to see how many people they are reaching out to and identify when they need help.

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Now, Connect With Your Community

A Movement doesn’t exist for itself alone, that’s just a nice fellowship group. A Movement is intentionally bringing an authentic representation of Jesus to all parts of its Community.

By taking this step, you will be able to see a whole network of relationships growing and expanding into your Community. Who are you believing God to reach this year? Let’s watch God work by seeing these relationships grow and multiply.

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Learn more about making Assignments

Make sure all your relationships are connected. See a demo how to do this.

Show Me How

Next: Find the interested; join their journey

As your movement prays for your campus, people are waiting to connect with someone like you. How will you seek them out?

Many teams have found spiritual interest surveys to be helpful. Next we’ll learn how to create surveys and how people in your movement can get connected with the interested people God brings to you.

< Back to Inviting

Set up Surveys >

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